Tyler Kliem is too many things: a wordsmith (poet, journalist, translator, crossword constructor), print & type designer, and researcher based at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He studies comparative literature, with a concentration in (trans)national literatures, and design. He is currently researching avant-garde Yiddish literature and art, particularly Yiddish Expressionism, with the support of the university's Jewish Studies Program. For his senior thesis with the Stuart Weitzman School of Design, he will be reconstructing Yiddish lettering from the avant-garde Yiddish journal Albatros—one of the most iconic typographic experimentations in all of Yiddish literary history—into a typeface.

Tyler's written and artistic works have appeared in Havurah's Verklempt!, the University of California, Berkeley's Vagabond Multilingual Journal, In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies, and Poet's Row.

He has assisted the Yiddish Book Center's digital librarians team and conducted creative and design research at The Jewish Museum's Virtual Summer Institute. He also currently assists Princeton Geniza Lab's Handwritten Text Recognition team and serves as the inaugural Jewish Media Fellow for New Voices Magazine and Ayin Press.

At university, Tyler founded The Daily Pennsylvanian's crosswords team. Else, he enjoys making creative work for The Woodlands Magazine, being an active member of the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, and studying with the Kelly Writers House crew.